Who we are: A husband and wife team loving what we do! IT IS a process! Hard work? YES, YES and another YES but the reward feels pretty awesome!
It all started with the furnishings in our home. I always had the creative gene,and when I found out my husband could build we(he)was in trouble! We were always involved in art work, projects, painted,and it has since filtered into home décor and furnishings. After experimenting, destroying and finally conquering some beasts of furnishings we have perfected our techniques!
Thank goodness for his strength, maneuvering and math skills, or many of our pieces would not have had a chance!
Along the way,we discovered the amount of straight up satisfaction received in bringing new life into something that was otherwise forgotten, discarded and given up on. We absolutely love when unloved pieces find life and love again! Happy, refurbished, revived (in a great color of course) new/shiny and in use again! We are still fascinated with the transformation of every single piece!
Regarding the wood furniture that we make, we use as many recycled materials as we can. We both have injuries from retrieving some of these! Occasionally, we do have to buy a few 2x4’s to ensure sturdy construction, but the end result is still unique and totally customizable!
You can feel good about your purchases, knowing you have one of a kind pieces that are resourcefully responsible! Most of the older pieces of furniture were still manufactured in the USA! You are also helping your community! It goes beyond just the purchase from us. Our items come from community sales, Goodwill, Salvation Army, a local wood supplier, and other local organizations, so the money spent on acquiring them goes towards our local community that benefits the greater good! Can’t think of a better scenario! Save something from a landfill,have something truly unique, knowing someone was sincerely enjoying transforming it all while supporting smalls and your community!
Come see us! We have stylish, functional, interesting, and fun items for you and your surroundings!

BIT 1 – We absolutely LOVE color! It’s amazing! It’s life and vibrancy!
BIT 2 – We have a thing for (all) animals! Shiny, white, neon, hairy. All things elephant!! Anything monkey! Love!
BIT 3 – Seems we are into skulls a good bit based on past projects. There is a connection we all have one and they are bad ass!
BIT 4- Please excuse our sub-par, quality lacking, pictures. They are nothing special but I promise our pieces are! These transformations are time intensive and it is not reflected in our photos. We have a bad habit of not even getting a picture. Freaks! All of that work! We are trying to improve on this.
BIT 5 – Favorite tool is the clamp! Could you imagine having to hand squeeze and hold for hours what the clamp does?!
SIDE BIT 1- If we had to name our favorite colors in order they would be as follows:
1. Statements. Gloss. Pops.
2. Turquoise. Any and all shades.
3. Pearl white
4. Metallics
5. Patterns
6. Orange
7. Purple
8. Green. All of them.
9. Black for our all time fave wall color. It's edgy,cool,great contrast and everything pops!